Friday, July 31, 2009

The Countdown

Today is August 1st, 2009. I am officially starting a countdown until the wedding. We've got two weeks before the first event which is the Rehearsal. We have one week before our first guest arrives. And we've got three and a half weeks before Chase and I leave for China again.

There is so much to do and I have made a half a dozen "to-do" lists for each vendor. I hope we can get it all done this week because I truly want to relax that last week and really spend time with the people I love who have come from all over the world really.

Last night a few of my "bridesmaids"and friends- I put that in quotes because we really don't have bridesmaids in Indian weddings, but I wanted to incorporate that idea into our wedding (even though their role is minimal) and honor my friends- came over and tried on saris for the weekend that they are going to borrow. I am so happy that my friends are willing to get into the spirit of things and get dressed up like that. Saris really do make every woman look so beautiful and the fabric and draping is always figure-flattering.

I was beat after that so I went to bed. Today we've got a lot to work on and hopefully we can get things crossed off this list here.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

And we're back

Well, I'm back in the blogging world being that I am back in the US. If you didn't know, the Chinese government banned usage of blogging sites associated with Funny because that's owned by gmail which is still allowable.

Anyways, we arrived in Austin about two weeks ago and they have flown by so fast. We, well, I, not Chase, have been fully immersed in wedding planning and today I have been "ordered" to take a day off. I really don't want to as the wedding is now less than one month away. There is so much to do but yesterday I had a mini breakdown so I must relax today. Let's just say it is so difficult to make everyone happy and I always want to make everyone else associated with the wedding happy before myself and I have been unsuccessful at both. No one's happy.

Today, I woke up brushed Honey's teeth and her hair, fed her, and now am eating yummy Central Market granola with milk. I am going to take her to the dog park. Later I want to take a yoga class except that my left inner hamstring, right were it attaches to the glute is really straining after my run yesterday. This is an injury that has plagued me to varying degrees the past two years and for the first time I can say it's inflamed. I certainly do not practice enough yoga anymore and that is really changing my body. I can tell I am not as strong, don't have good enough balance, and my mind is unable to cope with the swings of life. I really hope that the next few weeks will allow me to have time and energy to practice. I really miss yoga more than I can explain. So hopefully by actually writing these thoughts down they will penetrate my subconcious and help me really make the effort to bring yoga back in my life.

It's getting hot out and in an hour it will be too hot for Lola. So I better get going to the dog park.