Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend in Taipei

So my weekend with John Friend went by fast. Two days was not enough time with him. I just loved listening to him and receiving all the great snippets of wisdom.

Practicing again with a group of people just gave me so much energy! I love the whole Anusara kula. It's a very different feeling you get from all other styles of yoga communities. And for me, I just get so walled in my own apartment, that I forget how much fun it can be to be around people. Well, I shouldn't say that, Conrad and I have been having a few great practices together and it's been really great to have someone in Hangzhou to practice with. I love practicing with Chase but there's a lot of tension in the way that I help him and guide him. I think Chase just needs to learn from others. Let's face it, it's difficult to receive criticism (even though I say things in the best way possible) from the one you love.

I am a control-freak, perfectionist, and technical junkie when it comes to yoga and Chase could care less about technique and wants to just "stretch". He's not into the spiritual aspect of yoga. And no one really is when they first take a yoga class. But over time, and I didn't dare tell him this for fear that he would resist it, it becomes a prayer, a meditation, a disciplined practice that takes you within. When that discipline came into my yoga practice, that was when I first began to feel freedom. Just as John Friend also said this weekend, paraphrasing of course, Stepping into and aligning with the flow of Grace is difficult, but when discipline is cultivated and you are able to be a part of nature's order and you step into that flow, you can ride its waves with ultimate freedom.

I also learned, and might have heard this before but forgot, and isn't it great to just hear and learn over and over again.... but anyways, the only three poses in yoga are: tadasana, Sukhasana/Siddhasana, and Savasana. All the other poses are just variations of these three so that meditation is easier because the prana is flowing better. I know I knew this... but it was great just reemphasize! It made my practice more meaningful in the sense that I remembered that the ultimate goal is not the asana itself but that it serves the whole body and mind to create a better union.

On Saturday I was asked to do a demo! Wow. That was great. I did Urdhva Dhanurasana to Ushtrasana and then back to Dhanurasana.

On Sunday I was asked to be a student for Patrick Creelman as he demonstrated how to "teach" handstand. Our theme was converging the themes of Yin/Ying which is so central to Daoism and the melting of the heart theme in Anusara. So the hands in handstand are yang- strong, supportive, solid... muscular energy and the melting of the heart is the yin- soft, supple, and sensitive, organic energy. So Patrick walked me and talked me though the handstand in front of the whole group. When I came down John announced that on this day Patrick became the first Certified Anusara teacher in Asia! WOW! I was so happy for him and was proud to be a part of that moment for him. How special is that.

We also talked about personal practice a bit and John made it clear that his purpose here was to light a spark within us that would carry us until the next time we met again. I am without a doubt, more invigorated, determined, and realigned in my focus. John definitely created a shift in me and my experience with him was unforgettable. I think that this was due to the fact that I was open when I came to this course. I was accepting of everything I received and I hope that I can take all that I learned back to Hangzhou, mull over it, practice, practice, practice, and go further in my studies. Oh and that includes studying with Lois in a few short weeks in Shanghai and this summer in India at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's so nice to be in Taiwan and access my blog without any Chinese censorship! Taiwan is so different and it's amazing to see what happens to a culture and compare the years of different government rule and what happens. It's the same people, but one culture led into Communism and the other into a more Democratic reform. Both have corruption. Both are growing immensely. But what I see more differently is the people and how they are more free, more educated, and more open-minded here.

I am partial Taiwan as I lived here ten years ago for a semester in college. It's bringing back all the memories to be here again. And I am so excited today to have a day off to go exploring. I am definitely going to check out the National Palace Museum again. In my opinion, it's the Louvre of Asian Art. The Nationalists looted China as they came here for refuge during the fight for control. They lost, but did they really? Because they have all the goodies. hehe. And most importantly, I am going to check out Tang and Song Dynasty celadon.... my most favorite. I only have half a day now as I have been in my hotel room surfing the internet. My what a few months of censorship will do to you when you are free to browse the internet again!

Another stop will be to see Taipei 101. It wasn't built when I was here but for a long time stood as the world's tallest building. I hope to get some views.

I am also meeting with a high school friend, Steve Ho, who now lives in Taipei. So that should be great to reconnect.

Saturday and Sunday.... *drumroll* I get to go to John Friend's workshop! I am signed up for both sessions so that will be two whole days of yoga yoga yoga!

Totally wickedly stoked.

Chase was also supposed to come on this trip, but he's in India. Doesn't sound too bad if you ask me. I would love to be eating idlis and dosas and sambar and sweets all day long. And yes, that's just about all I'd be doing.

Milo is with our friend, Conrad, who also just studied with John Friend in Japan last week for a Teacher Intensive. He's trying to set up Anusara style classes in Hangzhou which of course I am a big supporter of! Yay!

So big ups to everyone. Loving being on vacation. Man, I needed it! I couldn't even sleep last night because I was just so excited to be on vacation for yoga, well, and for myself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Plans

The next six weeks are going to be quite busy here in Hangzhou. There's lots of travel, meetings, guests, and events to go to. Milo and I are sitting here on the couch. Chase just left for India for a couple of weeks and I leave for Taiwan to attend a John Friend workshop in Taipei on Thursday. Yippee!

Spring is finally here in Hangzhou even if it's just for one day and it is going to rain tomorrow.

Jordana is coming to visit in May. Chase's parents are coming for a two weekend and a week in between visit. And there's a trip in Shanghai somewhere in there as well.

I feel bad for Milo because for five out of the next six weekends he's going to be all alone.

That's all for now. It feels good to be busy...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Downward Dog

So last week, something phenomenal happened. I have been doing downward facing dog for let's say about 10 years +. That is just the pose, the form, the shape. I have been learning the mechanics of it: the stance, the foundation, the hands, the shoulders, the tailbone, etc. I have always known my shoulders to be extra flexible and they end up crashing and splaying out. Often times, teachers will come over and give me an adjustment to remind me to hug my elbows in, hollow out my armpits, and plug the head of my armbone back and in. And this is easy for me to understand when I'm going other poses, but it always felt so good to just let my ribs hang out in downward dog. I felt like I was getting a more intense pose.

But somehow, a few days ago, I told myself that I was going to do the pose with integrity... no cheating, no collapsing... nothing. And I told my arms to hug in and my shoulder blades to move in and down!!!

They listened! Thank you oh Divine Love. I now feel downward dog. It's finally an exploration! It's joyous in every way. I want to say there and just feel the expansion in my heart. Downward dog is a backbend. Who Knew!?!?!?

I love that all I did was listen to myself, connected everything together and the pose became this delightful experience. Just talking about it now and thinking about how much this one pose has changed for me makes me want to go and practice it again and again.

So thank you yoga teachers, gurus, friends, who helped me and guided me.... for now downward dog makes sense.