Here's Kirk and Donna as they put on their rain gear as they would many times that week. It's perpetually rainy in Southern China. We spent the morning getting soaked while touring the Yu Gardens in Shanghai. The next day was beautiful though.
On their first night in Hangzhou we took them to our neighborhood Sichaun restaurant. The staff knows us since we've been there so many times and knows my dietary restrictions, etc. The food was too spicy for Chase's parents but they gave it a good chance.
Milo makes friends easily.
We took them to the famous Longjing Manor organic restaurant with some friends. Donna especially loved the duck soup even though it had locusts in it! There's a great story about why the locusts are in the soup and you'll have to come to China to hear it. Until then, Donna claimed it was the best duck soup she had ever had.
In Beijing, we went to see the Chinese Acrobats show. It was amazing!
Our good friend, Kris, an Executive Chef at the Crowne Plaza organized a full plated seven course (I think) dinner at the Yunnan restaurant. Here's Chase's Dad as he tries tree bark, a Yunnan specialty, for the first time. Great presentation on the plate, huh? It tastes like what you think lichen would taste like.
The last day we had in Beijing, we took them to Tiannanmen and a brunch at Maison Boulud. It was really so much fun to have them visit and for us to see how they reacted to Asia. I can't wait for their return!