Friday, August 1, 2008

First Day in Beijing

I'm sitting in my Holiday Inn Lido room watching Memoirs of a Geisha. I left Hong Kong this morning and arrive in Beijing this afternoon. Customs was easy and the airport was relatively calm. I expected there to be long lines already. I was picked up by Jian Shi Fu, one of the drivers for the Robarts. Beijing is cleaner than I remember it. And the sun was even peeking through the clouds! So all in all, a good start. 

I stayed inside for most of the afternoon because of the Total Eclipse (which was supposed to be powerful in this part of the world). Ayurvedic/Hindu practitioners believe that the sun's rays and energy surrounding the earth is heavy and it is unsafe to be outside. So I just digested the Beijing city map more in the confines of my very humid room. 

I went to dinner around 6 and coincidentally there was an Indian restaurant within walking distance of the hotel. The restaurant manager picked up that I was Indian and we made the Indian "connection." He told me about the community and how they get together. There are about 600 of us in Beijing. Much smaller than I anticipated. I also got the 411 on how to get Indian groceries. A pretty productive night so far... 

Then was picked up by Cathy, a real estate consultant I found. She and her colleagues are two other sweet girls that live together. I saw one apartment right across the railway tracks from where I will work. Infact the skyline of SOHO is visible from the living room on the 17th floor! 

I also picked up two magazines for foreigners in Beijing. And ran into two journalists from France for the Olympics. There are already so many people here.  And I had my first experience with watching obnoxious tourists. I stepped into the hotel bar for a second before I realized I wouldn't be staying there very long due to the cigarette smoke and overheard some American tourists ordering vodka. And they were being so rude because the pub (yes, a pub by definition mostly carries beers and does not specialize in liquors) didn't care anything but Smirnoff for vodka. I quote: 

"What no, Absolute, no Grey Goose, no Ketel One???"

 And just basically making a scene because her requirements weren't met in a foreign land. 

And the poor bartenders were being kind and holding themselves together but I am sure that by the time September is over (which is how long Beijing expects the flux of tourists to be around for) they are going to be very jaded. 

I on the other hand can't wait for another fun day in the city. 


Surya said...

Gurl, sometimes I envy you. So wanted to stay back for the Olympics. The energy, the rush, the enthusiasm MUST be wonderful



Svetha said...

Well, come for a visit! I'll be here...

By the way, will I see you in India in a few weeks?

We'll be in Chennai for a day or two.

Ash Kim said...

How cool is that! What a cute idea. And, a very cute pic of you two lovebirds :o)

Miss you! Have fun!


Pamela said...

This is so interesting, Svetha! I am glad you & Chase are there to show a "good" side of Americans to the locals!


Christina Sell said...

Sounds awesome. Glad things are going so well. We miss you.


Surya said...

Here in a few weeks! That is awesome! Of course we can meet! Lemme know the dates!