I spent some of the morning getting oriented and observed the summer program. It's a summer program, they do less academics, more art and fooling around. I don't really believe in summer programs. I know they say it good for children to not have a break in their learning schedule. But it's a phenomenon, even while they are supposed to be progressing, their brains have checked out. But it also could be just that if the teacher has the attitude of progression, then the children will too. Still, I require at least 6 weeks off. That was one of the major perks to choosing this field. I don't know how you 9-to-5ers do it.
I practiced yoga this morning for the first time in forever. Wow. Moving time zones, carrying huge duffle bags filled with a year's (well, in my case, just summer and fall ya know) worth of clothes and belongings, sleeping in strange beds, stress, and travel, have all taken a toll on my body. I should have ramped up my practice and instead I said to myself, "it's ok, you're moving, you under stress, you'll be fine." I thought the positive effects of previous weeks of yoga could carry me through this time, when in fact, what was I thinking! I could have transitioned easier if I would have kept up with it all. Moral: Yoga is addictive. There are side effects if you try to quit.
Ashley gave me John Friend's Yes and No DVD. So I'm going to try that one tomorrow. I think it will be good to practice with a video, because often when I practice, I just do what I want to do and what feels good and conveniently forget to do all the poses that I don't like. hehheeh...
So I was just climbing into bed for what was going to be another sweltering night at the Robarts' home. You see, I'm staying at the Robarts' house while they are in Canada for the summer. This is a temporary arrangement until I find an apartment in Beijing, (which is another story because all the foreigners are snatching up good apartments for the Olympics and paying up to 3x a month's rent and leaving us long term tenants with slim pickin's) and the a/c unit in their guest bedroom has not functioned. So I've been blasting the a/c from the game room and it trickles into the bedroom. Well, I just went ahead and tried it tonight as I did every night in vain and it worked! The remote decided to work. Yay, So I won't wake up in a sweat pool around my neck in the morning!
Sweet dreams! Speaking of sweet dreams, I had a dream last night that I was running around Beijing's streets in my dark blue velvet pants sweating cuz it's so hot here (96 degrees with ... well, I just checked now at 9:30pm it's 75% humidity, so you can imagine what it's like during the day). Funny dreams.
Oh, and I really promise I'm going to bed right now, but you have to watch this video.
Hope the link works. I'm going to go watch it again right now... and THEN go to bed. Yeah.
Hey Sveta!
Just came across your blog! Glad you made it alright--I haven't read everything, because it's late here, but at least you are temporarily settled in. Just found out my friends I told you about are living in Shanghai, not Beijing----doh! But If you are ever visiting Shanghai, email them (jimreid@gmail.com and annareid@gmail.com) and they'd be happy to connect with you. We miss you in classes around here! Take good care of yourself!
So my friend, is it sweet dreams or SWEAT dreams?! :-)
I feel your pain. The Texas heat has not subsided though we are hoping for some rain from hurricane Eduardo to cool things off a bit AND our a/c is on the fritz. I'm having some night sweats myself!!!
Love the blog, keep it up, and find time for a bit of practice.
That stinks about the a/c. Good for you for giving it another go! :o) I'm glad you're back to yoga again. I think it will really help you pull through the challenges your facing by equipping your body to help you from the inside out. BTW, I did bikram on Sunday and it was AWESOME. I hadn't done it in over a year. I didn't get light-headed, and didn't have to sit down. That means I'm strong! Bikram in 107 degree Texas? Wahoo. Anywhoo, thanks for email. You're too sweet. Let's both keep up the good work, keep channeling the inner bad-@ss and kick some tail. Oh yeah baby. ;o)
Thanks for the good wishes Kim and Pam and Ash. It's good to feel your support! There's a typhoon in Hong Kong as well! It might rain out the fireworks display for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I'm glad that Austin's getting a bit of rain though.
OMG!!! That video is amazing! Especially the last guy...
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