So I woke up this morning at 3:30 in pain because I was so hungry. I stumbled into the kitchen and my hands were shaking so I made myself some instant organic oatmeal. So the fasting experience was good except for this morning when all I wanted to do was eat. It continued into today were my appetite was huge. I ate a big lunch and a snack this afternoon. And we just got back from dinner.
Anyways, for those of you who don't know yet. I am T-17 days from being in Austin! Yeah, my plans to go to Thailand for an Anusara Immersion Part 1 were taken away from me when the country was turned upside down and tickets were around the same cost as coming to America. Plus I need to get going on the wedding planning and having almost two weeks in Austin for Chinese New Year will be a great use of my time.
Chase and I intended on staying in China for the New Year to experience their most important holiday. But that will be for next year. We are almost 100% sure we'll be in the China next year and about 90% sure we'll be here for a few more years. So we figure it will eventually happen.
Chase is going to India to travel with Skeets and one of their college friends who lives in Delhi during that time. I am glad Chase is going. He will really love the North especially during this time of the year when it's not blazing hot. It will be the first time we will be away from each other in a very long time.
By the way, I just want to mention how much I love Chase. He's the best. I met him at the gym this evening as he was leaving and I was just getting there (my work takes up too much of my time). And I could just tell how much better I felt and at ease I was when I was talking with him. We are so happy together. We love sharing about our lives and he's such a good friend. That's real love I know.
Aw, Sveth... You gave me the warm fuzzies. :-) I'm so happy for both of you and can't wait until your wedding! (Also can't wait to see you this month!)
That's something not even a MOG can take away! :o) Congratulations on finding, keeping and nurturing the love of your lifetime... You both deserve such happiness! I ditto Jackie... can't wait to see you and for August! -Ash
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