Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I was going to go to dance class today but find myself glued to the couch. I was so motivated. I came home made dinner real quick and then couldn't move.

I really wanted to practice yoga today so I think that after my food digests, that's just what I am going to do.

Chase and I practiced together on Sunday and I think he did great. It was just hard for him to get going because he has to accept instruction from me and that's difficult for him to swallow. (He's used to being better at most everything we do together- biking, running, climbing, etc.) And I can't say that I'm the most forgiving teacher. He's a beginner so I just forget how beginner my instruction needs to be. But once I helped him over the hump and we got going, it was great.

Well, it's time to study some characters and then practice.

1 comment:

jackie said...

Don't give up on your blog!! What have you guys been up to?