Friday, August 8, 2008


So everywhere you go the past couple of days, Beijing City is showing their pride. Flags are flying all along the market roads. Where the shopkeepers are wearing red. A huge sense of national pride. Along the streets, they have people at major intersections whose only job is to hand out China flag stickers. So there you have it. I got branded.

I'm going over to someone's house to watch the Opening Ceremonies. It's gonna be awesome!


jackie said...

Not sure what broadcast you watched of the opening ceremony today, but our broadcast said that the sale of Chinese flags went up 3,000% in anticipation of the Olympics!!! Talk about national pride! Wow.

What is it like over there now that the games have started? Have you been by the bird's nest or any of the other venues? Let us know what events you get to go to!

jackie said...

PS Could you see any of those fireworks from where you were watching?!?!?!?! Wow! What a ceremony! Unbelievable. I hate to buy into all the hype, but wow, so exciting for China, and everyone.